1.5 Planning and Analyzing FGS Observations

1.5.1 Writing an FGS Proposal

Chapter 3 and 6 are of particular use in designing and implementing an FGS proposal. Chapter 3 provides information on a variety of scientific programs which exploit the unique astrometric capabilities of the FGS. Chapter 6 provides guidelines on how to design the Phase II proposal. In Chapter 6 we provide examples of observing strategies and identify special situations where further discussions with STScI are recommended.

1.5.2 Data Reduction

The FGS Data Handbook provides a detailed description of the FGS data and related data reduction. Chapters 5 and 7 in this Instrument Handbook contain useful summaries of that information. Chapter 5 provides a discussion of the accuracies and sources of errors associated with FGS data in addition to a detailed description of the calibration program planned for the upcoming Cycle. Chapter 7 describes the set of software tools which are available to observers to reduce, analyze and interpret FGS data. Please check the FGS Web pages for details on these tools.

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