3.7 Hubble Advanced Spectral Products (HASP)

The Hubble Advanced Spectral Products (HASP) program provides one-dimensional spectra for HST spectroscopic data through the use of the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). HASP provides coadded and combined products for STIS and COS spectra. By default, combinations of different gratings, central wavelengths (CENWAVEs), or apertures for individual programs are not provided, necessitating users to manually coadd spectra for scientific analysis. HASP automatically coadds most datasets and provides tools for users to create custom coadds. Custom coadd options are provided in Jupyter Notebooks. Please note that HASP products created for extended and variable objects may not be accurate. In those cases, it is recommended to use custom coaddition.

3.7.1 Data Products

The coadd code implemented in the HASP project generates two distinct data products: coadds and abutments, created at both the visit and program levels. Co-added spectra are the result of combining spectra from a common grating, while abutments involve the combination of spectra from different gratings and/or instruments.

Naming Convention

Program-level co-add files follow the format:


Visit-level co-add files follow a similar, if slightly different format:



  • <PID> is the program ID, e.g. 11068
  • <instrument> is the instrument used (one of COS, STIS, OR COS-STIS)
  • <target> is the target of the observation, e.g. "NGC5457"
  • <opt_elem> is the optical element (i.e. filter or grating), e.g. "G140L"
  • <ippp> is the instrument and program ID of the program level coadd, e.g. ld5z (where l = COS and d5z = Proposal ID 14772)
  • <ipppss> is the instrument, program ID, and observation ID of the visit-level coadd, e.g.  Id5z20 (visit 20 of the above example)

FITS Structure

The FITS file structure for these co-added products consists of two BINTABLE extensions: a Science extension containing specific information about the combined product and a metadata extension recording attributes of each spectrum contributing to the combination.

Table 3.6: The science extension table stores data elements of a single spectrum.

WAVELENGTHAngstromsingle-precision float
FLUXerg/cm2/s/Angstromsingle-precision float
ERRORerg/cm2/s/Angstromsingle-precision float
SNR---single-precision float
EFF_EXPTIMEssingle-precision float

Table 3.7: The provenance table contains metadata from the headers of contributing spectra.

FILENAME--stringInput spectrum filename
EXPNAME--stringExposure name, if multiple spectra per file
PROPOSID--stringProposal ID
DETECTOR--stringInstrument detector
CENWAVE--stringCentral wavelength of grating
APERTURE--stringAperture selected
SPECRES--double-precision floatEstimated spectral resolution
CAL_VER--stringCalibration version
MJD_BEGddouble-precision floatExposure start time (MJD)
MJD_MIDddouble-precision floatExposure mid-point (MJD)
MJD_ENDddouble-precision floatExposure end time (MJD)
XPOSUREsdouble-precision floatExposure time
MINWAVEAngstromdouble-precision floatMinimum wavelength
MAXWAVEAngstromdouble-precision floatMaximum wavelength

Data Access

HASP products are available in the HST search form on MAST or through the MAST portal. The data are also available through the astroquery API. This notebook tutorial provides a walkthrough of how to download and use the HASP co-add script.

Further information regarding HASP, including performance evaluation and caveats is covered in detail in COS ISR 2024-01.