Typographic Conventions
To help you understand the material in this Data Handbook, we will use a few consistent typographic conventions.
Visual Cues
The following typographic cues are used:
- bold words identify a PYTHON library or function.
words identify a file name, system command, or response that is typed or displayed.typewriter-like
words also identify header keywords.- italic type indicates a new term, an important point, a mathematical variable, or a task parameter.
- ALL CAPS identifies a table column.
Occasional side comments point out three types of information, each identified by an icon in the left margin.
Warning: You could corrupt data, produce incorrect results, or create some other kind of severe problem.
Heads Up: Here is something that is often done incorrectly or that is not obvious.
Tip: No problems... just another way to do something or a suggestion that might make your life easier.
Information especially likely to be updated on the WFC3 Web site is indicated by this symbol.
List of Acronyms
Acronym | |
A-to-D | Analog to Digital conversion |
ACQ | Acquisition |
ACS | Advanced Camera for Surveys |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital converter |
APT | Astronomer's Proposal Tool |
CASTLE | HST optical simulator |
CSM | Channel Select Mechanism |
CT | Crosstalk |
CTE | Charge Transfer Efficiency |
CVZ | Continuous Viewing Zone |
DN | Data Number |
DQ | Data quality |
DS9 | SAOimage astronomical image visualization application |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ETC | Exposure Time Calculator |
FGS | Fine Guidance Sensor |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
FOV | Field of View |
FSM | Filter Select Mechanism in WFC3 IR channel |
HOPR | Hubble Operations Problem Report |
IDC | Image distortion correction |
IR | Infrared channel on WFC3 |
IRAF | Image Reduction and Analysis Facility |
ISR | Instrument Science Report |
MAST | Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes |
MULTIACCUM | Accumulation mode (multiple non-destructive reads) |
NICMOS | Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer |
OPUS | Operational Pipeline Unified System |
OS | Optical Stimulus |
OTA | Optical Telescope Assembly |
PAM | Pixel Area Map |
POM | Pick-off Mirror |
PSF | Point Spread Function |
QE | Quantum efficiency |
SAA | South Atlantic Anomaly |
SED | Spectral Energy Distribution |
SIC&DH | Science Instrument Command and Data Handling unit |
SIP | Simple Image Polynomial |
SMOV | Servicing Mission / Orbital Verification |
SOFA | Selectable Optical Filter Assembly in WFC3 UVIS channel |
ST-ECF | Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility |
STScI | Space Telescope Science Institute |
STSDAS | Space Telescope Science Data Analysis Software |
TIR | Technical Instrument Report |
TV3 | Thermal Vacuum campaign 3 |
UVIS | Ultraviolet-Visible channel on WFC3 |
WCS | World Coordinate System |
WF/PC-1 | Wide-field Planetary Camera 1, on-board HST Apr 1990 to Nov 1993 |
WFPC2 | Wide-Field Planetary Camera 2, on-board HST Dec 1993 to May 2009 |
WFC3 Data Handbook
- • Acknowledgments
- • What's New in This Revision
- Preface
- Chapter 1: WFC3 Instruments
- Chapter 2: WFC3 Data Structure
- Chapter 3: WFC3 Data Calibration
- Chapter 4: WFC3 Images: Distortion Correction and AstroDrizzle
- Chapter 5: WFC3 UVIS Sources of Error
- Chapter 6: WFC3 UVIS Charge Transfer Efficiency - CTE
Chapter 7: WFC3 IR Sources of Error
- • 7.1 WFC3 IR Error Source Overview
- • 7.2 Gain
- • 7.3 WFC3 IR Bias Correction
- • 7.4 WFC3 Dark Current and Banding
- • 7.5 Blobs
- • 7.6 Detector Nonlinearity Issues
- • 7.7 Count Rate Non-Linearity
- • 7.8 IR Flat Fields
- • 7.9 Pixel Defects and Bad Imaging Regions
- • 7.10 Time-Variable Background
- • 7.11 IR Photometry Errors
- • 7.12 References
- Chapter 8: Persistence in WFC3 IR
- Chapter 9: WFC3 Data Analysis
- Chapter 10: WFC3 Spatial Scan Data