9.1 Overview
In this chapter, we explain how to use sensitivities and throughputs to determine the expected count rate from your source, and how to calculate exposure times to achieve a given signal-to-noise ratio taking all background contributions into account. At the end of this chapter, you will find examples to guide you through specific cases. In this chapter, for CCD observations (WFC/HRC), one electron is equivalent to one count, unless stated otherwise. For MAMA observations (SBC), the detector is operated in ACCUM mode and one count is equivalent to an event.
9.1.1 The ACS Exposure Time Calculator
The ACS ETC is available to help with proposal preparation. It can calculate count rates for given source and background parameters, signal-to-noise ratios for a given exposure time, or count rates and exposure time for a given signal-to-noise ratio for imaging, spectroscopic, and coronagraphic observations. A variety of apertures are available, both circular and square, allowing the user to either select a radius in arcseconds or a size in pixels. The current default apertures for all three channels enclose 80% of the PSF flux. Square and circular apertures are available between 0.1 and 2.0 arcseconds. For spectroscopic calculations with extended sources, the signal-to-noise ratio is based on counts summed over one resolution element of 2 × 2 pixel2, as the source size is assumed to be larger than the ACS resolution.
A calibrated spectrum of your source can be provided directly to the ETC, or you can choose from a variety of templates. The ETC also determines peak per-pixel count rates and total count rates to aid in feasibility assessment. Warnings appear if the source exceeds the local or global brightness limits for SBC observations (see Section 7.2). For the CCDs, a warning will appear if the background of the observation is below the recommended limit of 30 electrons. A higher background mitigates CTE losses. (See Sections 2.5 and 9.6.6 for more on CTE and background levels, including discussion of when post-flash is warranted.)
An ETC user's guide is available for execution and interpretation of results, and further questions can be directed to the HST Help Desk. Alternatively, users can use pysynphot or stsynphot to calculate count rates and the wavelength distribution of detected counts. Users must specify the ETC's evaluation MJD (which can be found in the release notes) in their pysynphot/stsynphot calculations to match ETC results.
ACS Instrument Handbook
- • Acknowledgments
- • Change Log
- • Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Considerations and Changes After SM4
- Chapter 3: ACS Capabilities, Design and Operations
- Chapter 4: Detector Performance
- Chapter 5: Imaging
- Chapter 6: Polarimetry, Coronagraphy, Prism and Grism Spectroscopy
Chapter 7: Observing Techniques
- • 7.1 Designing an ACS Observing Proposal
- • 7.2 SBC Bright Object Protection
- • 7.3 Operating Modes
- • 7.4 Patterns and Dithering
- • 7.5 A Road Map for Optimizing Observations
- • 7.6 CCD Gain Selection
- • 7.7 ACS Apertures
- • 7.8 Specifying Orientation on the Sky
- • 7.9 Parallel Observations
- • 7.10 Pointing Stability for Moving Targets
- Chapter 8: Overheads and Orbit-Time Determination
- Chapter 9: Exposure-Time Calculations
Chapter 10: Imaging Reference Material
- • 10.1 Introduction
- • 10.2 Using the Information in this Chapter
10.3 Throughputs and Correction Tables
- • WFC F435W
- • WFC F475W
- • WFC F502N
- • WFC F550M
- • WFC F555W
- • WFC F606W
- • WFC F625W
- • WFC F658N
- • WFC F660N
- • WFC F775W
- • WFC F814W
- • WFC F850LP
- • WFC G800L
- • HRC F220W
- • HRC F250W
- • HRC F330W
- • HRC F344N
- • HRC F435W
- • HRC F475W
- • HRC F502N
- • HRC F550M
- • HRC F555W
- • HRC F606W
- • HRC F625W
- • HRC F658N
- • HRC F660N
- • HRC F775W
- • HRC F814W
- • HRC F850LP
- • HRC F892N
- • HRC G800L
- • HRC PR200L
- • SBC F115LP
- • SBC F122M
- • SBC F125LP
- • SBC F140LP
- • SBC F150LP
- • SBC F165LP
- • SBC PR110L
- • SBC PR130L
- • 10.4 Geometric Distortion in ACS
- • Glossary