
This document is written and maintained by the STIS Team in the Instruments Division of STScI with the assistance of colleagues in the Operations and Engineering Division. Contributions to the current edition were made by E. Rickman, J. Brown, J. Carlberg, T. Monroe, M. Dallas, S. Dieterich, S. Lockwood, J. Lothringer, M. Mingozzi, M. Siebert, D. Stapleton, and D. Welty. We thank the STScI HDox Coordinators, Dan Coe (former) and Jenna Ryon, for their support in editing and publishing this Handbook.

We also thank the many people who have contributed to past versions of this Handbook including members of the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF, ceased operations on 31 December 2010), in particular Michael Rosa and Jeremy Walsh, and the STIS Instrument Definition Team (IDT) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), particularly Bruce Woodgate1 (PI), Randy Kimble, Chuck Bowers, and Ted Gull. We also thank Don Lindler (Sigma Space Corporation) for his technical contributions and Susan Rose (former STScI Senior Technical Editor) for supporting previous edits of this Handbook.

1 Deceased.