12.10 Coronagraphic Spectroscopy
STIS offers the capability to perform both spectroscopic observations with occulting bars located in the long slits and imaging observations with occulting bars in the coronagraphic mask 50CORON
. Coronagraphic imaging is described in detail in Section 12.11. Note that all barred spectroscopy is available-but-unsupported (except for 52X0.2F1
which is only available for first-order gratings), see Appendix A.2 for more information.
Barred Spectroscopy
The 52X0.2F1
aperture is the same physical slit as 52X0.2
with the target centered behind BAR5
(0.5 arcseconds occulting bar), instead of at the center of the 52X0.2
long slit. When this aperture is specified the slit wheel is rotated slightly to bring the bar into the center of the detector's field of view. (Figure 12.5) This results in a tilt of 1.30° with respect to AXIS2
(i.e., the spatial axis perpendicular to the dispersion). Also, the full 52 arcseconds length of the long-slit field of view is decreased by about 20% for CCD spectroscopy.
, are limited to first-order spectroscopic modes.Aperture 52X0.2F1
refers to the occulting bar itself, while 52X0.2F1-R
represents a reference position offset from the bar. The reference aperture was designed to allow the observer to peakup on the target prior to moving it behind the occulting bar. But because peakups are not recommended for apertures larger than 0.1 arcsecond in width, the 52X0.2F1-R
is no longer used. The occulting bar is even wider (0.5 arcsecond), so a simple ACQ exposure should suffice to center the target in the 52X0.2F1
Table 12.5 below shows the complete set of aperture names and their application for the 0.5 arcsecond fiducial bar on the 52x0.2
slit. An example of an acquisition into the 52X0.2F1
aperture is provided in Chapter 8.
Table 12.5: Aperture Names and Applications on 52X0.2
Aperture Name | Description | Destination | Application |
| Slit (width=0."2, length=52"). | Target centered in slit. | Long-slit spectroscopy. |
| Slit (width=0."2, length=52"). | Target centered in slit and located | Locates target under bar |
| Slit (width=0."2, length=52"). | Target centered in slit at reference | Locates target at |
There are two important ramifications you should be aware of when using the 52X0.2F1
aperture: (1) ORIENT
specification and (2) fringing correction.
Specifying ORIENT
with the 52X0.2F1
special requirement parameter is a specified position angle of the orientation reference vector U3, which is offset by 45° from the STIS detector spatial axis (AXIS2
), in the direction North through East. Given a position angle on the sky of θ and taking into account the additional 1.30° offset for the 52X0.2F1
aperture (see Figure 12.5):
= θ + 46.30°ORIENT
= θ + 226.30°.ORIENT
For example, if we want to place the STIS 52X0.2F1
aperture along the jet of M87 (the example in Figure 11.10 for a standard slit), we would do the following. Given a position angle of 110° on the sky:
= 110° + 46.30° = 156.3°
= 110° + 226.30° = 336.3°.
Correcting Fringing for the 52X0.2F1
The STIS CCD shows fringing for wavelengths longward of 7000 Å with the G750L
and G750M
gratings, limiting the signal-to-noise that can be obtained in these modes. The fringing is caused by interference of multiple reflections between the two surfaces of the CCD. (See Chapter 7 for details.) The recommended way to correct for fringing is by using contemporaneous fringe flats in conjunction with your science observations. Contemporaneous flat-field exposures need to be budgeted in the Phase I
time request and specified more fully during the Phase II
proposal generation process with APT. Section 8.5.2, entitled "Target_Name=CCDFLAT", of the HST Phase II
Instructions provides a description of the parameter settings necessary to obtain contemporaneous flat-field exposures. It is the observer’s responsibility to include contemporaneous flat fields in their Phase II
For spectra of point sources, contemporaneous fringe flats are normally taken using a short slit which is concentric with the long slit used for the science exposures. When point source fringe flats are taken at or near a standard aperture position near the center of the detector, the best alignment between science image and fringe flat will usually be for fringe flats taken using the 0.3X0.09
aperture. In the special case of the 52X0.2F1
aperture, however, we recommend obtaining long slit fringe flats to fully sample the PSF, since the spatial coverage of the short slit is only a few CCD pixels larger than that of the occulting bar of the 52X0.2F1
slit. A short slit fringe flat does give a somewhat better fringe correction for point sources than a long slit fringe flat. Consequently, if you are also taking an unocculted image of your star with the 52X0.2
aperture, we recommend obtaining a short slit flat as well as a long slit flat to rectify that image.
Optimization of the instrument configuration for the acquisition of fringe flats, the subsequent data reduction, and fringing analysis are described in more detail in a series of STIS Instrument Science Reports and in the STIS Data Handbook. STIS ISR 1997-15 (Revision A) provides a general overview of fringing. STIS ISR 1997-16 discusses fringing in spectra of extended sources. STIS ISR 1998-19 (Revision A) discusses fringing associated with point sources, fringing analysis, and details related to the 52X0.2F1
aperture. STIS ISR 1998-29, STIS ISR 2021-01, and the stistools defringe documentation provide detailed descriptions of the STIS tasks (normspflat, mkfringeflat, defringe, and prepspec) in the stistools package that use contemporaneous flat-field images to remove infrared (IR) fringing from STIS G750L
and G750M
spectra. Section 3.5.5 of the STIS Data Handbook provides guidance and updates to the instructions for removing near-infrared (NIR) fringing presented in STIS ISR 1998-29 and STIS ISR 2021-01.
STIS Instrument Handbook
- • Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Special Considerations for Cycle 33
- • 2.1 Impacts of Reduced Gyro Mode on Planning Observations
- • 2.2 STIS Performance Changes Pre- and Post-SM4
- • 2.3 New Capabilities for Cycle 33
- • 2.4 Use of Available-but-Unsupported Capabilities
- • 2.5 Choosing Between COS and STIS
- • 2.6 Scheduling Efficiency and Visit Orbit Limits
- • 2.7 MAMA Scheduling Policies
- • 2.8 Prime and Parallel Observing: MAMA Bright-Object Constraints
- • 2.9 STIS Snapshot Program Policies
- Chapter 3: STIS Capabilities, Design, Operations, and Observations
- Chapter 4: Spectroscopy
- Chapter 5: Imaging
- Chapter 6: Exposure Time Calculations
- Chapter 7: Feasibility and Detector Performance
Chapter 8: Target Acquisition
- • 8.1 Introduction
- • 8.2 STIS Onboard CCD Target Acquisitions - ACQ
- • 8.3 Onboard Target Acquisition Peakups - ACQ PEAK
- • 8.4 Determining Coordinates in the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) Reference Frame
- • 8.5 Acquisition Examples
- • 8.6 STIS Post-Observation Target Acquisition Analysis
- Chapter 9: Overheads and Orbit-Time Determination
- Chapter 10: Summary and Checklist
- Chapter 11: Data Taking
Chapter 12: Special Uses of STIS
- • 12.1 Slitless First-Order Spectroscopy
- • 12.2 Long-Slit Echelle Spectroscopy
- • 12.3 Time-Resolved Observations
- • 12.4 Observing Too-Bright Objects with STIS
- • 12.5 High Signal-to-Noise Ratio Observations
- • 12.6 Improving the Sampling of the Line Spread Function
- • 12.7 Considerations for Observing Planetary Targets
- • 12.8 Special Considerations for Extended Targets
- • 12.9 Parallel Observing with STIS
- • 12.10 Coronagraphic Spectroscopy
- • 12.11 Coronagraphic Imaging - 50CORON
- • 12.12 Spatial Scans with the STIS CCD
Chapter 13: Spectroscopic Reference Material
- • 13.1 Introduction
- • 13.2 Using the Information in this Chapter
13.3 Gratings
- • First-Order Grating G750L
- • First-Order Grating G750M
- • First-Order Grating G430L
- • First-Order Grating G430M
- • First-Order Grating G230LB
- • Comparison of G230LB and G230L
- • First-Order Grating G230MB
- • Comparison of G230MB and G230M
- • First-Order Grating G230L
- • First-Order Grating G230M
- • First-Order Grating G140L
- • First-Order Grating G140M
- • Echelle Grating E230M
- • Echelle Grating E230H
- • Echelle Grating E140M
- • Echelle Grating E140H
- • PRISM Wavelength Relationship
13.4 Apertures
- • 52X0.05 Aperture
- • 52X0.05E1 and 52X0.05D1 Pseudo-Apertures
- • 52X0.1 Aperture
- • 52X0.1E1 and 52X0.1D1 Pseudo-Apertures
- • 52X0.2 Aperture
- • 52X0.2E1, 52X0.2E2, and 52X0.2D1 Pseudo-Apertures
- • 52X0.5 Aperture
- • 52X0.5E1, 52X0.5E2, and 52X0.5D1 Pseudo-Apertures
- • 52X2 Aperture
- • 52X2E1, 52X2E2, and 52X2D1 Pseudo-Apertures
- • 52X0.2F1 Aperture
- • 0.2X0.06 Aperture
- • 0.2X0.2 Aperture
- • 0.2X0.09 Aperture
- • 6X0.2 Aperture
- • 0.1X0.03 Aperture
- • FP-SPLIT Slits 0.2X0.06FP(A-E) Apertures
- • FP-SPLIT Slits 0.2X0.2FP(A-E) Apertures
- • 31X0.05ND(A-C) Apertures
- • 0.2X0.05ND Aperture
- • 0.3X0.05ND Aperture
- • F25NDQ Aperture
- 13.5 Spatial Profiles
- 13.6 Line Spread Functions
- • 13.7 Spectral Purity, Order Confusion, and Peculiarities
- • 13.8 MAMA Spectroscopic Bright Object Limits
Chapter 14: Imaging Reference Material
- • 14.1 Introduction
- • 14.2 Using the Information in this Chapter
- 14.3 CCD
- 14.4 NUV-MAMA
- • 25MAMA - FUV-MAMA, Clear
- • 25MAMAD1 - FUV-MAMA Pseudo-Aperture
- • F25ND3 - FUV-MAMA
- • F25ND5 - FUV-MAMA
- • F25QTZ - FUV-MAMA, Longpass
- • F25QTZD1 - FUV-MAMA, Longpass Pseudo-Aperture
- • F25SRF2 - FUV-MAMA, Longpass
- • F25SRF2D1 - FUV-MAMA, Longpass Pseudo-Aperture
- • F25LYA - FUV-MAMA, Lyman-alpha
- • 14.6 Image Mode Geometric Distortion
- • 14.7 Spatial Dependence of the STIS PSF
- • 14.8 MAMA Imaging Bright Object Limits
- Chapter 15: Overview of Pipeline Calibration
- Chapter 16: Accuracies
Chapter 17: Calibration Status and Plans
- • 17.1 Introduction
- • 17.2 Ground Testing and Calibration
- • 17.3 STIS Installation and Verification (SMOV2)
- • 17.4 Cycle 7 Calibration
- • 17.5 Cycle 8 Calibration
- • 17.6 Cycle 9 Calibration
- • 17.7 Cycle 10 Calibration
- • 17.8 Cycle 11 Calibration
- • 17.9 Cycle 12 Calibration
- • 17.10 SM4 and SMOV4 Calibration
- • 17.11 Cycle 17 Calibration Plan
- • 17.12 Cycle 18 Calibration Plan
- • 17.13 Cycle 19 Calibration Plan
- • 17.14 Cycle 20 Calibration Plan
- • 17.15 Cycle 21 Calibration Plan
- • 17.16 Cycle 22 Calibration Plan
- • 17.17 Cycle 23 Calibration Plan
- • 17.18 Cycle 24 Calibration Plan
- • 17.19 Cycle 25 Calibration Plan
- • 17.20 Cycle 26 Calibration Plan
- • 17.21 Cycle 27 Calibration Plan
- • 17.22 Cycle 28 Calibration Plan
- • 17.23 Cycle 29 Calibration Plan
- • 17.24 Cycle 30 Calibration Plan
- • 17.25 Cycle 31 Calibration Plan
- • 17.26 Cycle 32 Calibration Plan
- Appendix A: Available-But-Unsupported Spectroscopic Capabilities
- • Glossary