1.1 New for Cycle 33

We have made the following updates to the WFC3 Instrument Handbook for this cycle:

  • We updated information, plots, and references throughout the handbook based on the Instrument Science Reports (ISRs) released in 2024.
  • We replaced Figures 2.23.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 5.10, 5.11, 5.20, and 9.1 with equivalent but higher resolution versions
  • We added Section 3.3.4, as well as Figures 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, to compare select WFC3/UVIS and WFC3/IR bandpasses with JWST/NIRCAM filters.
  • We updated Figures 5.8, 5.9, 5.13, and 5.14 to include the most recent WFC3/UVIS calibration data. 
  • We used the latest version of the SMOV4 in-flight WFC/IR quantum efficiency correction in the new version of Figure 5.25.
  • We updated Figure 5.31 to reflect the most recent analysis of WFC3/IR pixel populations.
  • We color-code bright sources and their corresponding figure-8 ghosts in the updated Figure 6.13
  • We discuss new analysis regarding the impact of x-CTE (serial CTE) in Section 6.9.
  • We updated the estimated roll angle drift rate and translation in Sections 6.11.4 (UVIS) and 7.10.5 (IR).
  • We revised Sections 6.11.5 and 7.10.6 to reflect that the Drift-And-SHift (DASH) observing method is unavailable in RGM. 
  • We added Table 7.11 to share WFC3/IR sensitivity loss rates for F098M and all five wide-band filters.
  • We updated Sections 7.8 and 9.3 to reflect the new (2024) WFC3/IR time-dependent photometric calibration. 
  • We updated Figure 7.15 to include WFC3/IR blob positions as of May 2024. 
  • We used the latest (2021) calibration files to replace Figure 8.3, in which the UVIS G280 grism throughput (for the +1 and -1 orders) is plotted out to 800 nm.
  • We added additional context regarding the 2020 calibration of the G280 grism to Section 8.2
  • We updated Section 8.6 to reflect new limitations to spatial scan rates (as of June 2024) due to RGM. 
  • The following changes have been made to Appendix E:
    • We added the Cycle 32 calibration plan and time span to Table E.1 (Section E.1).
    • We have added a summary of the WFC3 calibration plan for the current cycle in Section E.19.