7.8 IR Sensitivity

7.8.1 Limiting Magnitudes

Table 7.10 presents the predicted limiting-magnitude performance of the WFC3 IR channel and compares it with that of the camera 3 on NICMOS (NIC3). The calculations are based on an optimal extraction of a point source. The limiting ABMAG at an SNR of 10 was calculated for a 1-hour and a 10-hour exposure. The throughput curves for the WFC3 filters listed in column 2 were used; for NIC3, the most similar wide-band filter was used, and its name is given in column 3.

An online Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) is available (see Section 9.2).

Table 7.10: Limiting-magnitude performance of WFC3 compared with that of the NICMOS NIC3, based on on-orbit sensitivity from SMOV. 




Limiting magnitude
in 1 hr


Limiting magnitude
in 10 hrs



























7.8.2 Sensitivity

Note: new reference files and calibration pipeline updates discussed in this section were not “live” at the original date of publication. This banner will be removed when these are available. 

The WFC3/IR detector exhibits a low level sensitivity loss at rates of ~0.1% per year, with greater losses at shorter wavelengths (WFC3 ISR 2024-06). The total sensitivity loss since WFC3 installation in 2009 is ~ 1-2%, comparable to the IR detector repeatability (WFC3 ISR 2024-01; WFC3 ISR 2021-05; WFC3 ISR 2020-10; WFC3 ISR 2019-07).

To account for the time-dependent sensitivity of the IR detector, inverse sensitivities for all 15 WFC3/IR filters were updated in December 2024 (Calamida et al., in prep). These new time-dependent inverse sensitivities were derived by using ~ 14 years of observations of five CALSPEC standards, corrected for the recommended loss rates from WFC3 ISR 2024-06 (see Table 7.11). In addition, a new version of the calibration pipeline, calwf3 v3.7.2, implements the time-dependent flux calibration and populates the image file header with time-dependent photometric keywords. The new inverse sensitivities provide an internal photometric precision better than 0.5% for all wide--, medium--, and narrow-band filters.

The new inverse sensitivities can now be computed for specific observation dates by using the Python package stsynphot (Calamida et al., in prep).

Table 7.11: Sensitivity loss rates and pivot wavelengths for F098M and all five wide-band filters. Remaining medium-band and all narrow-band filters should use the nearest wavelength solution. 

FilterPivot λ (nm)Sensitivity Loss Rate (% / year)
F098M986.4- 0.120 +/- 0.003
F125W1248.6- 0.075 +/- 0.006
F140W1392.3- 0.060 +/- 0.005

Monitoring of the IR channel sensitivity is carried out via several ongoing calibration programs. Staring mode observations of stellar clusters over a ~14-year baseline suggests small sensitivity loss rates of ~0.1% per year (WFC3 ISR 2024-06WFC3 ISR 2022-07). Studies of WFC3/IR grism observations of CALSPEC standards also show small declines in sensitivity, about 0.1-0.3% per year, depending on the length of the observation baseline and the extraction wavelength range (WFC3 ISR 2024-06; WFC3 ISR 2024-01Bohlin and Deustua, 2019). WFC3/IR scan observations of stars in the open cluster M35 over ~ 7 years suggest losses of about 0.16% per year in F098M and 0.06% per year in F140W. Recent analysis of 13 cycles of WFC3/IR internal flat field calibration programs indicated greater count rate losses at bluer wavelengths, with an average of ~0.3% per year averaged across all filters, suggesting a combination of effects from both the changing overall sensitivity as well as previously observed lamp reddening (WFC3 ISR 2024-10).

In contrast to the UVIS detector, staring mode monitoring of CALSPEC standards in the IR filters have large systematic uncertainties which limit their 1-sigma photometric repeatability to +/- 1.0% (WFC3 ISR 2024-06), and therefore cannot be used for accurately measuring the sensitivity loss rates, despite their significant time baseline (~14 years). However, these data can be (and were) used to test the appropriateness of calculated sensitivity loss rates, such as those previously listed; this approach was leveraged in WFC3 ISR 2024-06 in order to optimize sensitivity loss rates for each WFC3/IR filter. 

For a more detailed discussion of WFC3/IR sources of errors, see Section 7.11 and Section 9.1 of the WFC3 Data Handbook.